Which packaging do you prefer for food products?
Pouches Jars Cans Boxes Plastic containers
What size of packaging do you usually prefer?
Small Medium Large Bulk Single-serve
Where do you usually purchase food products?
Grocery store Online Farmers' market Specialty stores Subscription services
Which aspect influences your packaging choice the most?
Convenience Sustainability Aesthetics Price Brand reputation
What type of food products do you usually buy in pouches or jars?
Sauces Spreads Snacks Baby food Pickled products
How important is the reusability of packaging to you?
Very important Somewhat important Neutral Not very important Not important at all
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    Packaging Perfection for Every Palate

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    Sustainability Meets Style in Every Pouch & Jar

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    Your Food, Your Packaging Choice

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Your preferences shape the future of food packaging!

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