How confident are you in your financial future?
Very Confident Somewhat Confident Neutral Somewhat Unconfident Very Unconfident
What is your current employment status?
Full-Time Employed Part-Time Employed Self-Employed Unemployed Retired
Do you have a financial advisor?
Yes No Considering Not Interested
How often do you review your finances?
Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually Rarely
If you were to become unable to work due to illness or injury, how long could you comfortably maintain your current lifestyle?
Less than a month 1-3 motnths 3-6 months 6-12 months More than a year
Have you considered how your family would manage financially if you were no longer here?
Yes, I have a plan in place I've thought about it, but haven't taken action Not really I don't want to think about it
Would you be interested in learning more about options for protecting your health and finances?
Yes, definitely Maybe, depending on the information Not at this time
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