What is your favorite type of fish for fish and chips?
Cod Haddock Pollock Halibut Salmon
Do you prefer thick-cut or thin-cut chips?
Thick-cut Thin-cut Waffle-cut Sweet potato fries Curly fries
Which dipping sauce do you enjoy with your fish and chips?
Tartar sauce Ketchup Mayonnaise Malt vinegar Curry sauce
How often do you order fish and chips?
Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly Occasionally Rarely
What beverage do you like pairing with fish and chips?
Beer Soda Iced Tea Lemonade Water
What side dish do you enjoy with your fish and chips?
Mushy peas Coleslaw Side salad Onion rings Garlic bread
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    Crunchy Goodness, Every Bite

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    Dive into Flavorful Fish & Chips

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