How often do you order from Real Pav Bhaji Story Cloud Kitchen?
Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly Occasionally Never ordered
What is your favorite dish from Real Pav Bhaji Story?
Pav Bhaji Vada Pav Misal Pav Bhel Puri Other (Please specify)
How do you typically place your orders?
App Website Phone call Delivery platforms In-person
What promotes your repeat orders at Real Pav Bhaji Story?
Quality of food Variety on the menu Discounts/offers Delivery time Customer service
Would you be interested in themed food nights at Real Pav Bhaji Story?
Yes, I love themed nights Maybe, depends on the theme No, prefer regular menu Not sure what themed nights are
How likely are you to recommend Real Pav Bhaji Story to a friend or family member?
Very likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very unlikely
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